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things i‘ll never say
从不提起  detail>>
sorry for the things that i did not say
我为自己没有说过的事情道歉  detail>>
and i never want to say goodbye
我永远不想说再见  detail>>
i never found the words to say
我的心里话无法用语言表达 无法形容我的心情  detail>>
i would never say to you
告诉你的啊  detail>>
just simply do the things i say
只需要按我说的做 只需照我说的去做  detail>>
i never meant to do those things to you
我从来没有想要对你做那些事情。  detail>>
he never regards what i say
他从来不重视我的话  detail>>
i am what you never want to say
你从不想对我说话  detail>>
never gonna say i m sorry
我不会说对不起  detail>>
things to say
说一说  detail>>
never say never
绝不说绝不 永不说不  detail>>
never say never again
007勇破巡航导弹 铁金刚勇夺巡航导弹 铁金刚之勇夺巡航导弹 巡弋飞弹 永不回头 永不说不  detail>>
never say goodbye, never say goodbye
永不说再见,永远不说再见  detail>>
a bad things never dies
拙工匠常怪工具差  detail>>
never do things by halves
创业难 凡是都唔可以半途而废 守业更难 做事不可半途而费 做事不要半途而废 做事情不要半途而废 做事要有始有终  detail>>
never so things by halves
凡事不要半途而废  detail>>
these things shall never die
永不消逝的美好 这些美好不会消逝 这些症状好不会消逝  detail>>